Tải điện tử DC GWinstek PEL-500 Series (80 ~ 500 V; 250 ~ 700W)

Hãng sản xuất


Model: Liên hệ

Giá: Liên hệ

Có sẵn: call

Gọi để có giá tốt

024 62.510. 510
Mr. Tuân 0977. 708. 790
Sale - Mr. Hiếu 0988. 293. 262

  • 5-digit digital voltage, current and power meter
  • Simultaneous display of voltage, current, and watts
  • Short-circuit time can be set during short-circuit test
  • Automatic test function of overcurrent protection/overpower protection
  • The battery discharge test function can set the discharge stop voltage (Vbatt), discharge capacity (AH, WH) and stop discharge time.
  • Surge test can simulate boot overshoot current and transient current from hot plugging.
  • Constant current, constant resistance, constant voltage, constant power and Dynamic mode
  • Overvoltage, overcurrent, over power, over temperature protection and reverse polarity detection
  • Voltage polarity display can be set to positive value (“+”) or negative value (“-“)
  • Communications interface: RS232, USB